The sea is always changing. So are we.
We know it’s a rough sea out there. And not only in the maritime sense, as digitization brings new opportunities, but also risks, for the shipping industry. That's why we founded Waterway IT. Together with you, we’ll face the digital challenges of shipping. Today and in the future.
Shipping expertise meets IT competence
Waterway IT is the only system house with roots in the shipping industry. We transfer maritime knowledge into IT know-how in a unique way. That's why we are familiar with every technology on board – the processes, success factors, the most efficient systems and the potential risks to our environment.
We provide you with digital solutions that will take your shipping company into the future. Through the transfer of proven IT standards from shore to tailored on-board IT, we ensure that your vessels are always on the move. With secured connectivity and competent support, we do everything to ensure that you reach your destination quickly, effectively and 100% reliably.
At your service: Our Management Team
Our origins are in shipping
Waterway IT has its origins both in the field of technical ship management and as an IT service provider of Ahrenkiel Steamship, the renowned Hamburg-based shipping company. As it became increasingly clear that IT would be a significant issue in shipping, we recognized a growing demand in the market for our products and services. Today, we cover the entire spectrum of a vessel’s IT and connectivity needs.
While Waterway was previously 100% owned by MPC IT Services, we are now a more independent company with Atlantic Lloyd Group and MPC Capital AG as shareholders. Florian zum Felde, who built Waterway from the outset, and Tobias Boehncke constitute the management of the company.
Our head office is located in Hamburg. With our external locations in Dubai and the Philippines, we ensure global coverage of on-board operations. Our more than 20 internationally experienced vessel IT experts are ready to provide you with competent assistance at all times. Talk to us - we speak your language.